Turn 0: Rogue Survivor Revived
I restarted the test game for Rogue Survivor Revived today. (It turned out that cooperative plans need an active cross-check that their goal has not already been attained; this was a savefile break.)
The (Windows) command-line for the test game is:
RogueSurvivor --seed=1179775419 --city=5,50 --spawn=ZLFFIREARMS --spawn-district=C2@10,6 --socrates-daimon --subway-cop
- The --seed parameter is from BRogue. As long as the map generation is not updated, it should guarantee that you get the same city layout.
- The --city parameter specifies the size of the main city: 5x5 square of 50x50 districts (default)
- --spawn-district controls where the default PC starts. [I looked up this location for plot purposes.]
- --socrates-daimon enables the cheat map command. It makes the game *much* easier. Like the original, it does not enable any form of save editing.
- --subway-cop checks for whether there is a subway in the central district (this seed does). If so, it converts that subway's starting policeman to a PC.
The "start game" prompt (this runs before any NPCs have taken a turn). The subway policeman is the *very* first to take a turn in his district, so the find-player default centers on him. The advanced tracking provided by the implicit police radios is evident: both red (threat) and blue (tourism) overlays represent squares not yet cleared by visual inspection.
Since it is not really the player's turn, the advisory text is SIMULATING.
After the game has started. Some districts have already been run, so those districts have had vision processing by their police. AI would automatically turn on their flashlight as a free action before moving. Thanks to the threat tracking, the advisory text is IN COMBAT even though
The very next action to take, is City Information (default command I; this is an anchor command for several other commands whose keys are defined in terms of City Information, so no modifier keys when configuring.)
We are checking for resources here.
* The Hospital (more like an Urgent Care Clinic, currently) has an undeveloped plot line. Its backup generators are not useful for general recharging.
* Subway Stations have the most accessible backup generators. These are CHAR-tech implementations of Nikolai Tesla's magnetosphere tap; they pull power straight from the Earth's magnetosphere, and as such do not need fuel(!).
* The Police Station is plot-relevant. Its main backup generator is on at the start of the game, unlike everyone else's.
* Sewer Maintenance is good for construction type items. (the Huge Hammer, highest-alpha non-martial arts melee weapon, is a construction item. So is the Big Flashlight, which is somewhat easier for the player to use properly, than the AI).
The district types generally are what you think they are. Note that emergency response is structurally impaired by the lack of gas guzzlers (there are no gas stations within city limits; all of those wrecked cars are electric, they were blown out by the same solar storm overvoltage that took down the off-screen broadcast power to the city.)
Now that Ramirez has run northeast, we see the view from the default PC. As a civilian, she has no threat tracking or tourism overlays, and has no advisory text.
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